Sunday, March 23, 2025
8:15 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. WORSHIP (in person)
Join us in the Sanctuary for one of our in-person worship services.
Join us for the online worship service at 10:45 a.m. and experience it in your own home.
There are two steps that you need to take to fully experience online worship.
Step one. Worship folder.
Download/view the PDF at
(You will need a PDF reader to view the worship folder. Most smart phones and computers come with a PDF reader installed.)
Step two. Worship service.
View the worship service at in the embedded player below.
If you experience problems with the embedded player or you want another viewing option, you can also view worship at 10:45 a.m. (and after) on Sunday 3/23 at the MVLC Facebook page or the MVLC YouTube livestream link.
LOST SHEEP, COIN, SON • Luke 15:1-32
- Available at 10:45 a.m. (and after) on Sunday 3/23.
- If the video doesn’t start playing automatically, you may need to click on the play button ►.
- If you can’t hear the sound then you may need to click the small speaker icon and slide the volume control until you can.
- Double click on the player image to enter “full screen” mode.